MESD COVID-19 Cases & Quarantines Details

The information below represents confirmed COVID-19 cases by the NM Department of Health, NM Public Education Department and NM Environment Department and any subsequent quarantines. Students quarantined will continue learning through our fully remote platform while they are completing their quarantine period. Staff quarantined will continue to work remotely while they are completing their quarantine period.

Students and staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who are subject to a quarantine must not return to school until they meet the NM Department of Health’s guidelines after COVID-19 Illness or Exposure. Additionally, even without a quarantine order, students and staff must not come to school with a fever of 100 degrees or higher, and must not come to school until they have been fever-free, without the use of fever-reducing medication, for at least 24 hours.

Case Status Overview

Frequently Asked Questions

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Looking for information not addressed in the sections of this webpage? Have questions not addressed in the FAQs? We're here to assist. To submit a question, concern, or inquiry about MESD's 2020-2021 School Year Reentry Plan or current case status, please email us at